My first opponent of the evening was a space wolf player.
I deployed with the blob squad acting as bubble wrap for the Russ' since I didn't want his drop podding Melta teams to destroy them without a fight. Unfortunately I deployed Center board and looking back I should have Castled the Objective in a corner.
my next game was against the Necrons "woken" by my battle with the renegade marines.
they just wouldn't stay dead! that combined with my inability to land a shot with my Russ' made for an uncomfortable end for the guard.
list Pros:
running 30 men with a lord Commissar soaked up an incredible amount of shooting. especially since he had a camo-cloak and conferred stealth U.S.R. to the blob.
List Cons:
the las cannon weapon teams didn't earn their points at all. with a spearhead deployment they might have had a chance but with dawn of war and battle line they just provided juicy targets for my foes.
Marbo was fairly useless in such a small game. maybe I'm just bad at deploying him.
the 1250pt tourney is a week away and I'm wondering if I should abandon my foot list in favor of my standard chimera parking lot.
on a brighter note my rough riders and the next batch of recruits from Drook arrived from Victoria Lamb! just need to get the horses and I'm set.